Business Support
Business Sponsors Make a Difference
As we know in 2023 our walk, while again virtual, is also supported by businesses. This year will no different.
During these trying times we are grateful for their support and ask you to support them when they are open again. What to join them? See our Business Letter.
Businesses helped in 2022. In fact they helped as a part of the $127,000.00 we raised.
Thank Them!
Use Their Services & Products!
We have links below to their websites. Check them out!
They support us, please support them!
Businesses contact us via email
to find out more and join us.
Twenty-five percent of the funds raised in 2023 will be distributed locally to support
Beyond Hunger, Cluster Tutoring, First Baptist Church Melrose Park Food Pantry, Forest Park Food Pantry, Pine Avenue Food Pantry, Proviso Food Pantry, St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry, Quinn Center of St. Eulalia Hunger Ministries, Vision of Restoration Food Pantry
and Housing Forward.

2022 Business Donations

Gold Level $1,000 Plus

silver Level $500 Plus

Bronze Level $250 Plus

Other Business Donations
These fine merchants also donated to the walk
Archery Custom Shop
Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore
Chosen Ones Learning Center
David King Associates, Inc.
Elite Tire and Auto
Everett Wealth Solutions, Inc.
Forest Insurance
Forest Park Food Care Center
The Golden Triangle
Louie's Grill
McAdam Landscaping Professionals
Mohr Oil Company
Mr. Beef and Pizza of Forest Park
O'Sullivan's Public House
The Printing Store
RP Fox and Associates, Inc.
Sales Directors, Inc.
James Taglia, CPA
Tim Stefl, Inc.
Todd & Holland Tea Merchants
We are also exceedingly appreciative of Wednesday Journal Inc., which has provided us space for our full-page “thank you” advertisement for FREE for almost 25 years.This has provided us with the opportunity to thank all those who donated time, effort, and talents, as well as our supportive local businesses, that together make it all possible! The Wednesday Journal is the “pulse” of the community, and we are so fortunate to have such a community-oriented paper available in our area.
One of the benefits of the Wednesday Journal is their email updates of breaking news in the community. We encourage you to sign up for their emails as a further benefit of providing the best news in the area.
Just click on the images above to reach their website