When we think of our CROP Hunger Walk and the money raised, we often do not learn about the use of that money and the work done by Church World Service. As we know the distribution of the money we raise is 25% to our locally selected food agencies that we provide these funds to.These are food pantries and other services, some by faith based congregations that provide food to those in need. All told they do an amazing job on a continuing basis to help people in our community.
Beyond that is the 75% of funds which goes to programs such as described by this link of how CWS prepares people around the world to be self-sustaining. As you will read about the Cristobal family, this type of program has helped families grow crops and earn a living as well, through CWS programs. In the Western Highlands of Guatemala, where Cristobal farms, most markets have closed, travel is restricted, and opportunities for day laborers are almost non-existent due to COVID-19. For some in the community, it will mean skipped meals and hunger. Already more than half of the children in this region suffer from stunting and chronic malnutrition. Now in this time of crisis they are able to feed their families and prepare for when we return to being able to provide for others as well. Another statement from Douglas, a participant in a program supported by CWS in Nicaragua, shared that “It is good to receive training because then it’s mine and no one can take it away from me; I’m not dependent on someone else.”
We will continue to share stories from here and around the world. Our CROP Hunger Walk is one of 800+ walk. Each walk has a commitment to help the hungry and a story to tell. We plan on sharing those stories over the coming weeks.

Our walk may be over but there are over 100,000+ participants who have either walked or will be walking during 2020 to "End Hunger One Step At A Time."